

Library Volunteer

If you would like to volunteer at the St. Helens Public Library, please complete the Volunteer Application below and return to the Library.

Library Hours

  • Monday-Thursday: 10am-7pm
  • Friday: 10am-5pm
  • Saturday: 10am-2pm

What should I expect when the jury retires for deliberations?

The first job of the jury is to choose a presiding juror who will see that every juror has an opportunity to be heard.  The presiding juror will also conduct the balloting when the jury votes on a verdict.

It is important that you wait to formulate your opinion about the verdict until the deliberations begin in the jury room.  To avoid arguments in the jury room, listen to everyone’s opinion, make your own decision, and vote as your intellect and conscience dictate.

Library Plans and Policies

Questions regarding these plans and policies may be directed to Library Director Suzanne Bishop at 503-397-4544.

The St. Helens Public Library is a fine-free library.


St. Helens Public Library Strategic Plan

Library FAQs

Story Time - Any other tips?

  • If you wish to visit with other parents, please wait until story time is over. Even seemingly quiet conversations can be distracting. And please turn off all cell phones during this time.
  • Snacks, toys and even other books can be distracting to other children, so we ask that you put those items away during storytime.
  • Repeating story time songs and rhymes at home is highly encouraged! We often have handouts with all our favorites. Please help yourself!

Story Time - What if my child starts crying?

If your child becomes especially fussy or loud, it’s okay to leave the library and return when they are calmer. It is also okay to “call it a day” and try again next week. We want storytime to be enjoyable for all participants.

Story Time - Do I need to stay with my child during the program?

Yes! Our storytimes are very participatory and we want everyone to listen to the story and act out the rhymes with your child. You will both have fun!

Story Time - Does my child’s age have to match the age specified for that

No, but please keep in mind that the activities are selected with that specific age group in mind. You may discover that another session may be more developmentally appropriate for your child. If the presence of older children inhibits the involvement of children in the target age group, please understand that your child may be asked to allow younger ones to participate.

Story Time - Is registration required?

Storytimes do NOT require advance registration. Just come ready to participate with your child.
