Business Guide

Operating a Business in St. Helens Oregon


City of St. Helens Services

Community Development

The Department is comprised of two departments, building and planning. The Building Department is responsible for reviewing and processing building, plumbing and mechanical permits consistent with adopted state and local codes. The Building Department also conducts inspections for permit compliance during construction. The Planning Division is responsible for tasks in three general areas, including processing development projects to assure compliance with the City's Zoning and Land Division ordinances. 503-397-6272 or Building Permits & Inspections and Land Use Planning and Zoning


Engineering & public works services

The Engineering Department provides engineering design and construction inspection services for public facilities. Public facilities consist of streets, storm sewers, water treatment and distribution, and sanitary sewer collection. Both private development and capital improvement projects are funding through the Engineering Department. 503-397-6272 or Engineering Department


Sanitary Sewer / Storm water / water management

The City's Public Works Department oversees management and operations of the Sanitary Sewer, Storm Water, and Water Management for the City of St. Helens. 503-397-3532 or Public Works Department


electric utilities

Columbia River Public Utility District provides full service and reliable electric service to customers in St. Helens and surrounding areas. The district also provides many related services including conservation, weatherization, security lighting and utility payment plans among many others. 503-397-1844 or Columbia River PUD


Police department

St. Helens maintains its own police force. In addition to crime prevention services it services include home and business security surveys, business watch program, neighborhood watch program and identity theft information. 503-397-3333 or Police Department


Fire and rescue services

Columbia River Fire and Rescue provides fire suppression, prevention and inspection; emergency medial services, and hazardous materials response. 503-397-4800 or Columbia River Fire and Rescue 


Starting a Business / Business Information

Oregon business guide

A state publication that provides a consolidated source of information and regulations that explains the process of starting a business in Oregon. The guide provides a general checklist that includes registering a business name, business structure, taxation requirements, tax ID numbers, permits, works compensation and unemployment and business assistance resources. To receive a copy call the State Business Referral Center, 503-986-2200 or download a form in PDF format; CLICK HERE


WOrkers compensation

All employers doing business in Oregon, with very few exceptions, are subject to the ORegon Workers' Compensation Law. Employers must obtain workers compensation insurance before they employ anyone. In Oregon, there are two methods to get workers compensation coverage: through an insurance company or by self insurance. For further information contact the Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services at 503-947-7585 or CLICK HERE.


columbia county business development center (SBDC)

Columbia County SBDC offers services to help start, grow, and retain the best businesses throughout Columbia County, so they can thrive in our local economy. Services include free confidential business advising, business plan development and management, loan application packaging and access to capital assistance, marketing plan strategies, hiring, managing, and retaining your team, navigating business regulatory processes, accounting and finance, and managing cash flow challenges. 503-410-1506 or CLICK HERE.


Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE)

The Portland area SCORE is a non-profit, all volunteer organization whose mission is to help small businesses and entrepreneurs become successful. Services include unlimited one-on-one confidential business counseling, workshops, business resource library, computer resources and internet access. 503-326-5211 or CLICK HERE.


oregon department of consumer and business services

The state's largest regulatory agency administers the state laws and rules governing workers' compensation, occupational health and safety, real estate apprisal activity, building codes, the operations of insurance companies, financial institutions and securities offerings. 503-378-4100 or CLICK HERE.


Government Contract Acquisition program (GCAP)

GCAP is a statewide, federally funded procutrement technical assistance center focused on helping Oregon small business secure government contracts. THey also offer a daily bid matching service. 1-800-497-7551 or CLICK HERE.


office for business inclusion and diversity (COBID)

The Office for Business Inclusion and Diversity (COBID) is the sole certification authority for the state of Oregon and provides a "one-stop" certification process. This program encompasses Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and Women Business Enterprise (WBE) certifications, which are for businesses seeking contracting opportunities for state, county and city government and special jurisdiction (e.g., hospitals and universities) contracting opportunities. For more information contact 503-986-6524 or CLICK HERE.


Oregon association of minority entrepreneurs (OAME)

OAME is a non-profit organization with a mission to promote entrepreneurship and economic development for ethnic minorities in the state of Oregon. Services include: technical assistance, access to capital, matching capability with opportunity, administrative services, information and networking. For more information, contact OAME at 503-249-7744 or CLICK HERE.


South Columbia chamber of commerce

The Chamber provides a network for business advocacy and promotion and civic development. Services include business workshops, small business support, community events, community information and forums on issues affecting St. Helens. For information on membership and services offered call 503-397-0685 or CLICK HERE.


Education, Workfoce Development & Training

Portland community college (PCC)

Offers professional and technical certificates and degrees, college transfer degrees, literacy/basic skills programs, continuing education and customized workforce training. 503-244-6111 or CLICK HERE.


ogi School of science and engineering

Offers advanced research and graduate education in science, engineering and technology management and biomedical fields. Part of Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU). Located in Beaverton. 503-748-1121 or CLICK HERE


Oregon employment department (worksource Oregon)

This department offers business recruitment, screening and referrals for a statewide applicant bank.  The agency also offers statewide and local labor force information. Provides office space for interviews.  503-526-2700 or CLICK HERE



Federal taxes

Oregon businesses are required to pay federal taxes. The first step for most businesses is to obtain a required federal Employment Identification Number (EIN). For federal tax information and establishing and EIN, contact the IRS at 1-800-829-1040 or CLICK HERE.


state taxes

All businesses are responsible for all State of Oregon tax obligations such as the state income tax and unemployment insurance. Employers are required to file a Combined Employer’s registration form with the Oregon Department of Revenue in order to obtain a Business Identification Number (BIN). The BIN is used to report and pay payroll taxes and assessments. Contact the Oregon Department of Revenue at 503-378-4988 or CLICK HERE


Licenses & Permits

Business license

All businesses and persons doing business within the City limits of St. Helens will need to obtain a business license each year. This program applies to commercial businesses, home occupations, rental property management and out-of-city businesses doing work in St. Helens. To obtain an annual license, an application and fee is required. Contact St. Helens Utility Billing Department at 503-397-6272 or CLICK HERE.


home business occupancy

See above. All home-based businesses operating within the City limits of St. Helens must obtain a business license as stated above. In addition the home occupation must comply with City zoning code requirements. Contact St. Helens Utility Billing Department at 503-397-6272 or CLICK HERE.


business zoning

All properties are subject to land use zoning and regulation. This defines the type of uses allowed and process needed to obtain building permits for new construction or renovations. Contact the Planning Department at 503-397-6272 or CLICK HERE.


building permit

Provides permits, inspections and other services for businesses seeking to build, expand or remodel structures within the City of St. Helens. Contact the Building Department at 503-3976272 or CLICK HERE.


restaurants and public food handling

Licensing and inspection and food handlers permits for restaurants, schools, day care and other establishments where the public's food is prepared. Contact Columbia County Public Health at 503-397-7247 or CLICK HERE.



Water & Sewer

City of St. Helens. Contact the Utility Billing office at 503-397-6272 or CLICK HERE.



Columbia River Public Utility District provides full service and reliable electric service to customers in St. Helens and surrounding areas. The district also provides many related services including conservation, weatherization, security lighting and utility payment plans among many others. 503-397-1844 or CLICK HERE


natural gas

NW Natural at 1-800-422-4012 or CLICK HERE.



Comcast at 1-800-316-1619 or 1-888-824-8265 or CLICK HERE.

Century Link at 1-866-963-6665 or CLICK HERE.


garbage / waste hauling

Hudson Garbage Service at 503-397-1534 or 1-800-422-9998 or CLICK HERE.