Artist Talk: Linda Sprau

Thursday, November 2, 2017 - 7:00pm

November Artist Talk and Show with Linda Sprau

Linda, a member of the Columbia Arts Guild, began painting after retiring in 2014 after a 42-year railroad career.  She credits the Guild for her “jumping into the local art scene.”

Sprau describes her art as “An exploration into my desire to recreate scenes and subjects in which I find beauty.” 

Subsequent to her late-in-life beginning as an artist, one of her paintings was accepted for traveling exhibit by Oregon State University for their Wetlands Conservancy celebration.  Titled “Cheese Cake,” it will be on display at the forthcoming St. Helens Public Library show during the month of November. 

Through the local Guild, she also has displayed other artistic examples in local businesses and forums such as the County Court House, where the Arts Guild has a running gallery wall, displaying members’ work. 

Her November show, “You CAN be an Artist,” will feature some of her acrylic works, with discussion on how she got started in art and “How you too may express yourself artistically.”