St. Helens Holds Public Forum on Community Recreation and Park Funding


June 11, 2019

St. Helens, Ore. – The St. Helens City Council invites the community to a public forum about proposed funding for the City’s parks system and community Recreation Program. The meeting will be held on Monday, June 24 at 6 p.m. in the Loo Wit Room at the St. Helens High School, 2375 Gable Road.

This public forum is part of ongoing discussions that the St. Helens City Council has been holding to create stable funding for the City’s parks system and Recreation Program. The Recreation Program is a partnership between the St. Helens School District and City of St. Helens. The St. Helens City Council is considering a proposal to place a monthly fee in the range of $2 to $3 on St. Helens utility bills as one funding option.

In April 2018, the City of St. Helens announced that it was launching a new St. Helens Recreation Program in partnership with the St. Helens School District. The goal of the Program is to provide a central location where community members can find a wide range of free or low cost activities to enjoy. So far, the Program has offered activities for adults and children that include events such as Movie in the Park nights, craft nights for adults, an after school recreation program for kids hosted at Lewis and Clark Elementary School, adult cornhole league tournaments, a PeeWee Basketball league, college funding information nights for high schoolers, exercise and sports groups, and much more.

For St. Helens Recreation Program information, visit the City’s website at


For further information regarding the St. Helens Recreation Program public forum, please contact Finance Director Matt Brown at 503-366-8227 or