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First Responder and Military Background Information Collection Form
The St. Helens City Council values the dedicated service and sacrifices of our first responders and military service members. Whether it’s protecting our freedoms abroad or responding to a medical crisis down the street, we recognize the essential role that these individuals play in preserving and protecting our way of life.
To honor the contributions of these community members, the City Council invites individuals to nominate a local first responder or military service member to be recognized at an upcoming City Council meeting. In addition to being recognized at the beginning of a regular session meeting, the nominee will be invited to lead the room in the Pledge of Allegiance.
First responders include fire, EMS, law enforcement, and dispatch personnel. Military service members may be active or retired. We accept self-nominations and nominations by another individual. When nominating another individual, we ask that you consider whether the individual would appreciate being publicly recognized.
Priority consideration is given to nominees within the St. Helens community since this recognition is intended to highlight the contributions of local individuals.
Please send completed applications along with any pictures or additional documentation to the City Recorder's Office at CR@sthelensoregon.gov. We will contact you to establish a date for your participation.
Thank you for your service.