City Council Candidates for 11/5/24 Election

St. Helens City Election


STATE OF OREGON            )

County of Columbia           )        ss.

City of St. Helens                )


I, Kathy Payne, City Recorder/Elections Official for the City of St. Helens, Oregon do hereby certify:

That there is to be elected at the ensuing General Election to be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, for said City of St. Helens, Oregon:

             One (1) Mayor                                  Two-Year Term

             Two (2) Council Positions               Four-Year Term

          And, I further certify that I have received the following nonpartisan nominations for the following named persons for said offices in the City of St. Helens:

For Position of MAYOR:

  • Rick Scholl (Incumbent)
  • Jennifer Massey
  • Steve Toschi


  • Jessica Chilton (Incumbent)
  • Ginny Carlson
  • Russell Hubbard
  • Molly Matchak

I further certify that all of said persons have filed with me the appropriate forms of such nominations and/or paid the appropriate filing fee, and each and all of them have accepted the nomination in due form of law, and certified that they are currently a qualified elector of the City of St. Helens.

Witness my hand and seal of the City of St. Helens this 19th day of August 2024.

Kathy Payne, MMC

City Recorder/Elections Official

City of St. Helens

Columbia County, Oregon