

Digital-Only Library Cards

     Digital-only library cards    

     Want a library card but the library is closed?
                 No problem!
     Signup for our digital-only card
     (Click on the image right to get started)



Current resources available for digital-only cards:

Clone of Welcome to the St. Helens Public Library

Items checked out prior to curbside pickup opening will be due back

Wednesday, July 1st

Summer Reading 2020 registration and logging helps

All Summer Reading registrants, whether accessing the program offline or online, will be included in prize drawings if they have completed the requirements to be entered.


Beanstack is an online program used by the St. Helens Public Library to track Summer Reading program progress.

Creating an account on Beanstack

A helpful feature of Beanstack is that families can sign up all adults and children under one account but still have individual logs and badges.

Online Storytimes!

While the Library is closed, we're still doing storytimes! We'll post one for babies and younger toddlers on Tuesdays and one for older toddlers and preschoolers on Thursdays on our Facebook page, but you can watch anytime at

Virtual Book Club

We want to know what you’re reading while you are safely tucked away at home!

Participating is easy:

St. Helens Public Library COVID-19 Policies

Updated July 31, 2020

The St. Helens Public Library is now open in a limited capacity for curbside pickup. We are monitoring health guidelines as our library services adapt during the pandemic. 

While we are open for curbside, there are some important things to know:

  • Patrons can place up to five items on hold per card for curbside pickup. Holds may be placed online or by phone.



parking space for logo.  not yet live.  need access code.  good through 4/30/2020.

Library Closed

In order to slow the spread of the coronavirus and protect the St. Helens community, the city’s most vulnerable citizens, and City employees, the St. Helens Public Library has been closed to the public. Library events and storytimes have also been canceled.

Library staff will be at work during this closure. We will be answering phones and voicemails Monday through Friday between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. If you have questions, concerns, or need to conduct essential business with the Library, call us at 503-397-4544.

St. Helens Public Library Closure Due to Coronavirus

March 13, 2020


In order to slow the spread of the coronavirus and protect the St. Helens community, the city’s most vulnerable citizens, and City employees, the St. Helens Public Library has been closed to the public. Library events and storytimes have also been canceled.

All other local City of St. Helens government buildings and offices are also closed to the public. These closures will be evaluated on a weekly basis.
