

Book Club

Join us on the third Tuesday of every month in the Armstrong Room for the Library Book Club! (or online at

This month's book is The Plague of Doves by Louise Erdrich.

Book Club

Join us on the third Tuesday of every month in the Armstrong Room for the Library Book Club! (or online at

This month's book is Sold on a Monday by Kristina McMorris.

"2 CHILDREN FOR SALE. The sign is a last resort. It sits on a farmhouse porch in 1931, but could be found anywhere in an era of breadlines, bank runs, and broken dreams. It could have been written by any mother facing impossible choices.


See hundreds of DIY arts & craft videos with Creativebug video library, currently over 1,300 classes, and new videos added every month. All videos have closed captions and downloadable transcripts, and many videos also have downloadable class materials.

Seed Saving (Adult SLC)

Tuesday, August 15 | 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. the Auditorium

Chip Bubl from the Oregon State University Extension Office will give a presentation about how to harvest and save seeds from your home garden.

Native Bees with Jessica Hird (Adult SLC)

Tuesday, August 1 | 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. the Auditorium

Jessica will give a presentation about the different species of native bees in our area, their place in the ecosystem, and how to attract them to your yard.

CANCELED Homemade Herbal Tea (Adult SLC)

Tuesday, July 25 | 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. the Auditorium

Local herbalist Charlotte Hart will be talking about the different properties of a variety of herbs and about making herbal tea at home. Participants will then get to create their own blends!
