Where Do Your Property Taxes Go?

Where do your taxes go? Broken down by percentage.


St. Helens has one of the lowest property tax rates in the county and the state, but where do the taxes go once they’re collected? How much does the City get? How much goes to schools?

Here’s a breakdown of what percentage of your money goes to what agencies based on a house valued around $400,000. An example of what the tax statement for this property might look like is available here or attached below.

The largest percentage of your property taxes — just over 35% — goes to education. That includes both our local St. Helens School District and Portland Community College. It also includes a small amount of funding for Northwest Regional Educational Service District, which provides additional services to our district.

19% goes to Columbia River Fire And Rescue to provide emergency services for Columbia County.

12% goes to the City of St. Helens and 9% goes to Columbia County to form part of their general funds.

11% goes to bonds, including the St. Helens High School Improvements Bond passed in 2016 and the Portland Community College Bond passed in 2017.
4% funds the Columbia County Jail operations and another 4% funds CCOM 9-1-1.

The final 5% is made up of several recipients that includes things like Columbia County OSU Extension Service and 4-H, the Soil and Water Conservation District, funding for the Eisenschmidt Pool, and the St. Helens Urban Renewal Agency.

To find out more about where your taxes go, view the document "Know Your Statement" attached below.