Budget Committee

The Budget Committee meets when convened in the City Council Chambers. The Budget Committee includes the City Council and five city residents to review, approve and/or amend annual spending plans submitted by the Budget Officer.

Agenda & Packet Details:


Members Term Expiration
Jennifer Massey, Mayor 12/31/2026
Jessica Chilton, Council President 12/31/2028
Mark Gundersen, City Councilor 12/31/2026
Brandon Sundeen, City Councilor 12/31/2026
Russell Hubbard, City Councilor 12/31/2028
Ivan I. Salas 12/31/2025
Jennifer Gilbert 12/31/2026
Marissa Swartz 12/31/2026
Steve Toschi 12/31/2026
Lew Mason 12/31/2027


Staff Members Position
Gloria Butsch Finance Director
Jamie Edwards Committee Secretary