Planning Commission

The Planning Commission meets on the 2nd Tuesday each month at 6:30 p.m.  The Planning Commission acts as an advisory body to the City Council with regards to land use planning and development.

Agenda & Packet Details: 

Member 4-Year Term Expiration
Jennifer Shoemaker, Vice Chair 12/31/25
Brooke Sisco 12/31/25
Vacant 12/31/26
Charles Castner 12/31/26
Scott Jacobson 12/31/27
David B. Rosengard 12/31/28
Reid Herman 12/31/28


Staff Members Contact Phone Position
Mark Gundersen 971-899-1908 Council Liaison
Russell Hubbard 971-899-1907 Council Liaison
Jacob Graichen 503-366-8204 City Planner
Jennifer Dimsho 503-366-8207 Associate Planner
Vacant 503-366-8209 Community Development Administrative Assistant