St. Helens Awarded State Funds for Sidewalk Improvements for School Children

Example of two rapid flashing beacon signs installed at edges of sidewalk between crosswalk


January 18, 2019

St. Helens, Ore. – The City of St. Helens was notified on Thursday, January 17 that its competitive grant application for sidewalk improvements along Columbia Boulevard was selected as one of 24 projects across the state of Oregon to be awarded funding through the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT).

The City of St. Helens was awarded $322,536 as part of the Safe Routes to School Competitive Infrastructure Program. The City will use the funds to construct approximately 1,100 feet of sidewalk on the south side of Columbia Boulevard between Gable Road and Sykes Road, install a rapid flashing beacon at the existing crosswalk along Columbia Boulevard to McBride Elementary School, and add a raised pedestrian refuge island at Columbia Boulevard and Sykes Road. These improvements are intended to increase the safe passage of children to school.

The City will match the grant with $80,634 for a total project cost of $403,170. It is anticipated that the project will be complete by 2023.

The ODOT Safe Routes to School Advisory Committee received 112 applications for funding that totaled $85 million. Only $16 million in grant funding was available for distribution, which will be divided between the 24 projects that were selected. Projects were prioritized based on readiness (ready to be built within five years), safety (speed, crossing distance, history of crashes, and average annual daily traffic), equity (addressing a barrier to a school with a high percentage of low income students), and school type (elementary and middle schools).

More information about the Safe Routes to School Program and competitive grant funding can be found at 


For further information regarding the state funding awarded to the City of St. Helens, please contact City of St. Helens Associate Planner Jenny Dimsho at or 503-366-8207.