Branding & Wayfinding Master Plan Open House

Tuesday, April 4, 2017 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm

The community is invited to attend Branding & Wayfinding Open House #1 at Meriwether Place on 1070 Columbia Blvd. from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Attendees will listen to a brief presentation about wayfinding and can expect to view three different wayfinding design concepts and provide feedback about preferences. If you cannot attend, an online survey to provide design feedback will go live the week of April 4. The City’s E-Newsletter, Facebook, and Project Website will contain the link.

The goal of a Branding & Wayfinding Master Plan is to enhance the visitor experience through strategically placed and branded signage. Installation of unified wayfinding signage, informational kiosks, and enhanced gateways will enliven the business districts of St. Helens, increasing foot traffic to businesses and offering a more enjoyable visitor experience.

In August 2016, the City was awarded a $40,000 grant through the 2016-2017 Travel Oregon Matching Grants Program to create a Branding & Wayfinding Master Plan. The total project budget is $80,000 and the planning project will continue through July 2017. In November 2016, the City selected Alta Planning & Design Inc. to work with the City to develop a community-supported plan. You can view Alta Planning & Design, Inc.’s proposal on the Project Website.