

Genial Genealogists

Genial Genealogists will meet on Monday, April 05, 2021.  The topic will be a surprise!  Due to the vagaries of peoples’ lives during Covid; we have both a presenter and a back-up presenter.  Please join us on Monday, April 5th and discover our presenter and their topic.

Day/Date: Monday, April 05, 2021
Time: 6:30pm
Subject: Unknown
Presenter: Unknown
Meeting place/platform: Google Meet

Google Meet information:

St. Helens Public Library Has a Lot to Offer During COVID-19

Did you know the St. Helens Public Library is open? They’re offering curbside service for all your check-out needs while the building remains closed, and they’re offering more than just books and movies! Here are some of the many services the Library has available for you during the pandemic:

Closed due to weather

The St. Helens Public Library has closed due to inclement weather.  We will resume services including curbside on Tuesday, February 16, 2021.

Closed due to weather

The St. Helens Public Library has closed due to inclement weather.  We will resume services including curbside on Tuesday, February 16, 2021.

Genial Genealogists

Genial Genealogists

April 05, 2021

Day: Monday
Date: April 05, 2021
Time: 6:30—7:30pm
Place: Online using Google Meet
Subject: to be determined
Description: to be determined
Presenters: to be determined


Google Meet information:

Genial Genealogists

Genial Genealogists

This Monday, March 01, 2021, we will watch and discuss, Girls must feed pigs: things our ancestors thought and said a session from RootsTech2021* given by Darris G. Williams.  It gives a broad overview of social history sources.  (Social history looks at what the shared experiences of groups of people whether by education, occupation, or other shared experience.) 

Day/Date: Monday, March 01, 2021
Time: 6:30pm
Subject: Social history sources
Presenter: RootsTech2021 video of Durris G. Williams
Meeting place/platform: Google Meet

St. Helens Public Library Receives Grant from NW STEM Hub


January 26, 2021


St. Helens, Ore. – The St. Helens Public Library recently received a $5,000 sustaining grant from NW STEM Hub to expand hands-on educational programs at the Library. This award follows the Library’s success with a previously-awarded $20,000 grant from the organization.

Genial Genealogists

  Happy Birthday Oregon 
Genial Genealogists
February 01, 2021
