Timberline Lodge: The History, Art, and Craft of an American Icon

Thursday, November 9, 2023 - 6:30pm

Join us on Thursday, November 9 at 6:30 p.m. in the Columbia Center Auditorium or on Zoom for a presentation by Sarah Baker Munro, author of Timberline Lodge: The History, Art, and Craft of an American Icon.

The History of an American Icon

This comprehensive history of Oregon’s National Landmark in Mt. Hood National Forest tells the story of the lodge’s construction, dedication by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1937, and history as a ski resort. It includes the only inventory of art and furnishings at the lodge. Updated and revised, this reissued history reminds us why today more than ever, the lodge is revered as an icon of the Works Progress Administration.

Author Sarah Baker Munro was educated at Pitzer College, Claremont, California, and the University of California, Berkeley, where she received a Master’s in folklore. She is past president and current board member of Friends of Timberline. Active with Friends of Timberline since 1975, she coauthored the 1978 catalog about the lodge, prepared a photographic history of Timberline published by Arcadia Publishing, developed two audio tours of the lodge for the Mount Hood Territory, and updated the guidebook to the lodge through several editions. She has been voted the historian of Timberline Lodge by Friends of Timberline.

Zoom Information

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