Summer Reading 2020 registration and logging helps

All Summer Reading registrants, whether accessing the program offline or online, will be included in prize drawings if they have completed the requirements to be entered.


Beanstack is an online program used by the St. Helens Public Library to track Summer Reading program progress.

Creating an account on Beanstack

A helpful feature of Beanstack is that families can sign up all adults and children under one account but still have individual logs and badges.

  • One person is the Account Creator (this is usually the parent/guardian)
  • The Account Creator can add additional Readers (probably children, but this could also be two adults who only want to have one login)
  • Families aren’t required to be all in one account if they don’t want to; for example, teens could create their own accounts and have their own logins

Go to Scroll down and click on “Register an Individual or Family”

  • Adults and teens who want to log their own reading over the summer will choose “I am registering myself.” Parents/guardians signing up for their kids will choose “I am an adult registering a child”
  • Adults will enter their information, including selecting a username and password
  • If registering children, enter the first child’s information.  You’ll then be prompted to add additional children or adults
  • Adults who said they were registering children will be given the opportunity to sign themselves up for the adult program too
  • Anyone 19+ will automatically be signed up for the adult challenge; anyone 17 or under will automatically be signed up for the youth challenge. 18-year-olds will get to choose which challenge they want to do

Switching between readers on Beanstack

  • Toward the top on the left, Beanstack displays the initials and name of the currently active Reader.  Any reviews or activities completed will be “credited” to the active Reader
  • Patrons can click on the initials/name and then choose another Reader on the account (or add a reader) to make that Reader active

Logging books, minutes, or activities on Beanstack

  • In the top left next to the library logo, click “Log Reading and Activities”
  • Make sure the right Reader is selected in the drop-down
  • Choose Books (adults only), Minutes, or Activities
  • For books, enter the number of books, titles and authors (optional), and then choose whether or not to include a review. Adults can log books, but there’s no badge for doing so. Youth cannot log books.
  • For minutes, enter the time spent reading, title and author (optional), and then choose whether or not to include a review. Adults can log minutes, but there’s no badge for doing so. Youth earn points by logging minutes.
  • For activities, choose an activity badge and then check boxes and answer questions as appropriate. Adults earn time-limited activity badges by completing activities. Youth earn points by completing individual activities and badges by doing five of seven activities within each badge.

Adults: Adding Reviews

There are two options for submitting reviews:

  • In the top left near the library logo, click “Add a Review” and then choose “Write a Review” or “Post a Picture Review”
  • Toward the top near the middle, click on “Reviews” to see all submitted reviews and then click on “Write a Review”
  • Follow the prompts

Adults: Completing Activities

There are two options to complete activities:

  • In the top left near the library logo, click “Log Reading and Activities” and choose Activities.
  • In the middle of the page, choose “Activity Badges”
  • Click on the activity badge you want to earn and then check boxes and answer questions as appropriate.

Youth: Completing Activities

There are two options for completing reviews:

  • In the top left near the library logo, click “Log Reading and Activities” and choose Activities.
  • In the middle of the page, choose “Activity Badges”
  • Click on the activity badge you want to earn and then check boxes and answer questions as appropriate.

If you have additional summer reading questions please contact our adult summer reading program coordinator Nicole Woodruff,, regarding adult program questions or our Youth Librarian, Gretchen Kolderup,, regarding youth questions.