Flagship Columbia County – an art event of The Columbia Arts Guild

Saturday, April 13, 2019 - 10:00am

Flagship Columbia County – an art event of The Columbia Arts Guild

Saturday, April 13, 10a.m.-2p.m., Columbia Center Porch

“This Is Us St. Helens” & Tiny Houses Return as Flagship Project - After the wonderful success of This Is Us St. Helens, (aka the tiny house project), the Columbia Arts Guild decided to make the community art project an annual event. This year, “Flagship Columbia County” will include the entire county and a new medium for our painters. Using 5”x8” pieces of Tyvek (a water proof siding material), we will paint an array of “flags” to represent our uniqueness. The flags will be assembled to create a colorful banner to be displayed in Columbia County over the summer. The project is sponsored in part by the Columbia Art Guild with grant monies from The Oregon Community Foundation and Columbia County Cultural Coalition. Join us on the porch to make your unique flag.