Business & Careers

                                                                                Business & Careers

Academic OneFile

Peer-reviewed articles covering all academic disciplines including physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature and other subjects. (Library card required.)

Answerland Chat with a librarian! Oregon’s online reference service – a place to find answers to questions and receive research guidance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. (Website, library card not required.)
Books and Authors

Reader’s advisory tool that includes plot summaries, reading recommendations for similar titles, and searchable information on genre, characters, subjects, and time period. (Library card required.)

Gale Business: Entrepreneurship Covers all major areas of starting and operating a business, including financing, market research, tax/accounting, marketing, contracting and more. (Formerly Small Business Resource Center) (Library card required.)
Business: Insights Coverage includes accounting, marketing and management, plus business theory and practice. (Library card required.)
¡Chatear con bibliotecarios! ¡Chatear con bibliotecarios! Answerland es el servicio de referencia en línea de Oregon en cual los bibliotecarios ayudan a los residentes de Oregon a encontrar respuestas a preguntas y aconsejan sobre el proceso de investigar durante las 24 horas del día, a los 7 días de la semana.  (Sito web, tarjeta de biblioteca no es requerido.)
Columbia County Small Business Development Center At the Columbia County Small Business Development Center our mission is to help start, grow and retain the best businesses throughout Columbia County. (Website, library card not required.)
Computer Science News and reviews on electronics, engineering, communications and more. (Library card required.)
Digital Public Library of America Discover 47,753,149 images, texts, videos, and sounds from across the United States. (Website, library card not required.)
Entrepreneurship Covers all major areas of starting and operating a business, including financing, market research, tax/accounting, marketing, contracting and more. (Formerly Small Business Resource Center) (Library card required.)
Gale Ebooks Gale Ebooks offers encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research in eBook format. (Formerly Gale Virtual Reference Library) (Library card required.)
General OneFile

Magazine, journal, and news articles covering a full range of academic and general-interest topics. (Library card required.)

Historic Oregon Newspapers Digitized Oregon newspapers from 1846 -2021 from the Oregon Digital Newspaper Program at the University of Oregon Libraries. (Website, library card not required.)
Internet Archive Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more. (Website, library card not required.)
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Perform research on people, places, events and other topics of interest. (Website, library card not required.)
News Full-text news articles from U.S. and international news sources. (Library card required.)
Northwest Digital Heritage A regional partnership that enhances access and discoverability to local history collections throughout Oregon and Washington via the Digital Public Library of America. (Website, library card not required.)
Occupational Outlook Handbook The Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH) is a career resource offering information on the hundreds of occupations that provide most of jobs in the United States. Each occupational profile describes the typical duties performed by the occupation, the work environment of that occupation, the typical education and training needed to enter the occupation, the median pay for workers in the occupation, and the job outlook over the coming decade for that occupation. (Website, library card not required.)

A library of free stock photos, images, and audio through creative commons licensing. (Website, library card not required.)

Oregon Blue Book: almanac and fact book The Oregon Blue Book is the state's official almanac and fact book. Published since 1911, it is produced by the Oregon State Archives, a division of the Secretary of State's Office. It contains listings and​ descriptions of government agencies and educational institutions. It also features an almanac, maps, facts about Oregon history and elections, as well as information on the arts, media, and other cultural institutions in Oregon. (Website, library card not required.)
Oregon Encyclopedia

Explore Oregon's history and culture — from Athapaskan Indians to Zigzag Ranger Station. (Website, library card not required.)

Palace Bookshelf A collection of more than 15,000 open access ebooks that are available for free download. (Website, library card not required.)
Power Search Instantly access periodical and reference content in multiple Gale resources from a single starting point while also cross-searching eBooks in the Gale Virtual Reference Library. (Library card required.)
PrinterOn Print virtually any document or web page from your Internet connected PC to one of our Library printers. (Website, library card not required.)
Sanborn Digital Maps The Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps Online Checklist provides a searchable database of the fire insurance maps published by the Sanborn Map Company.
NOTE: The online presentation includes entries from all 50 United States, as well as Canada, Mexico, Cuba sugar warehouses, and U.S. whiskey warehouses. Geographic locations may have changed due to boundary moves of counties or cities becoming independent or merging into other cities. (Website, library card not required.)
Personal success Skills Resources to help individuals develop the core knowledge and skills for workplace success and personal fulfillment. Topics covered include workplace skills, organization & time management, and personal finance and media literacy skills. (Requires free account)
W3Schools W3Schools is a school for web developers, covering all the aspects of web development(Website, library card not required.)