Family Fun Yoga

Thursday, May 9, 2019 - 5:30pm to 6:30pm

  • 03-14-2019
  • 03-21-2019
  • 04-04-2019
  • 04-11-2019
  • 04-18-2019
  • 04-25-2019
  • 05-02-2019
  • 05-09-2019

Yoga and fun for the entire family! Join us for a one hour class that will focus on playful poses, simple breathing techniques, and partner/family poses. This is a great opportunity for bonding time, learning together, and teamwork. Wear comfortable clothing. Michele Wilson brings over 20 years of experience teaching yoga to this program. Please bring your own yoga mat or a towel. $7 per family (up to 5 members). All ages. 


St. Helens Recreation Center 

1810 Old Portland Rd. 

St. Helens, Oregon 97051


*No class on 3/28