Signal Timing Change at Old Portland Road and S. 18th Street Intersection

A view of the Old Portland Road and South 18th Street Intersection from the Recreation Center

On Wednesday, May 22, 2024, motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians can expect a change in the timing of the traffic light on Old Portland Road and S. 18th Street. This change is designed to accommodate the standard pedestrian crossing speed of 3.5 feet per second at the newly striped crosswalk across Old Portland Road from the St. Helens Recreation Center to McCormick Park. Traffic light signal timing is an important tool in managing traffic interactions at intersections. Currently, the signal timing to allow a person to cross Old Portland Road at this intersection does not meet the standards of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), which requires crosswalks at signalized intersections to accommodate a minimum pedestrian walking speed of 3.5 feet per second. At this rate of speed, a minimum pedestrian crossing time of 28 seconds is needed for pedestrians to cross the intersection. Currently, they have 10 seconds.

On Wednesday, the Public Works Department will reprogram the traffic signal controller and adjust the signal phases of the traffic light on Old Portland Road and S. 18th Street to accommodate the 28 seconds needed for pedestrians to cross the street. This change will result in a longer Green for drivers on S. 18th Street. The Green light will also be increased by 15 seconds on Old Portland Road to balance out the timing.

While getting stuck at a red light, especially with no traffic around can be frustrating at times, motorists are asked to pay attention to the new signal timing changes for their safety and the safety of others. Motorists turning right onto Old Portland Road from S. 18th Street must yield for crossing pedestrians and will see added signage along S. 18th Street alerting them to the traffic pattern change.

Questions or comments on the signal light timing? Please email the Public Works Engineering Division at