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- About St. Helens History of St. HelensState of the CityCourthouse Dock Camera
- Local Events City Calendar Citizens Day in the Park13 Nights on the RiverSpirit of HalloweentownRecreation Activities Sand Island CampingKeep It Local CC
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Business & Development
- Local Business Directory Get a Business License City Bids & RFPs Broadband Study
- Business in St. Helens St. Helens Advantages Directions & Transportation Incentives & Financing Resources for Businesses Business Guide Columbia Economic Team Chamber of Commerce
- Current City Projects Waterfront Redevelopment Public Safety Facility Strategic Work Plan
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- Public Records Request Report a Nuisance Register for Rec Activity Reserve a Park Sign Up for the 911 Alerts Universal Fee Schedule
Future Identified Projects
Future Identified Projects
Below are a list of projects that have been identified by City Council and staff. These projects are on the City's radar, but do not have identified funding to move forward.
- Manage athletic field scheduling citywide
- Activate Salmonberry Lake area
- Provide Free Library Cards for SHSD and Educators
- Create a local history room
- Develop a library facility master plan
- Upgrade Intersection at Plymouth and Old Portland Rd.
- Millard Road City Entrance Sign
- Old Portland Rd. and S. 18th roundabout
- Old Portland Rd. and Port Ave. Reconfiguration
- Planning related FAQ pamphlets/videos
- Update city Charter for no-vote annexations
- Addressing policy update
- Housing Production Strategy
- Residential design standards
- Locally significant wetland updates (buffer zones, etc.)
- Flood code amendments related to BIOP (Endangered Species Act)
- Development Code Amendments related to Sanitary, Storm and Water Master Plans
- Right-of-way street vacation policy
- Food cart/truck/trailers rules
- Develop incentives for designation as a local historic landmark
- Housing Needs Analysis Update per 2019 HB 2003 (2027 Update)
- Historic resources inventorying
- N. 4th St. Storm Extension
- Columbia Boulevard Storm Improvements
- Sykes Rd. Improvements
- Milton Creek Bridge Replacement
- Bradley, Park and S. 13th St. Waterline Replacement
- New 4 MG Reservoir and Transmission Main
- Relocate Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Develop Incentive Program to Remove Storm Sump Pumps
- Relocate Pump Station #11
- Upsize Pump Station #7
- Upsize South Trunk Sewer
- Interceptor Trunk Main Upgrades
- Middle Trunk Sanitary Upgrades
- Public Works Facility Master Planning
- Seismic Upgrades - Milton Creek at Pittsburg Rd. Bridge
- Heinie Human Park Storm Ditch
- Fire Hydrant Replacement
- Shop Roof Replacement-WWTP