Dan Dieter Named City of St. Helens Employee of the Year

Dan Dieter holding employee of the year award


February 12, 2018


St. Helens, Ore. - Part-time Library Assistant Daniel Dieter was named as the 2017 Employee of the Year at the City of St. Helens annual employee recognition banquet on February 9, 2018.

Dieter was one of 12 employees nominated by his peers for the award. His nominators described him as an exceptionally good-natured and pleasant person who consistently offers the best service possible. Several coworkers described him as the ultimate team player.

One nominator wrote, “One of the best examples of Dan being Dan is the time a boy came into the Library because the chain had come off his bike and he didn’t know what to do. Dan immediately picked up our toolbox and headed outside to show the young man how to repair the bike. It sounds like a small thing, but it was exactly what the patron needed, and Dan was happy to help. These kinds of small things all add up to such a big difference in the lives of Library staff and patrons.”

In addition to his job as a Library Assistant, Dieter does almost all of the Library’s supply ordering, has served on the City’s Safety Committee, is the Library’s current volunteer coordinator, and also serves as secretary for the Library Board.

A city employee of the year is someone who consistently exemplifies behaviors that reflect favorably on the City. He or she is an employee that goes above and beyond on a regular basis; someone who goes the extra mile to help customers, both internally and externally; responds to inquiries in an efficient and timely manner; regularly participates in employee-related events; puts the City’s interests and the interests of his or her co-workers above their own; has an exemplary attendance record; behaves off duty in a manner that reflects positively on the City since City employees are public officials even outside work; has a positive attitude no matter the circumstances; and is noticed by people in and out of the organization.


For further information regarding the employee of the year program, please contact City Recorder Kathy Payne at 503-366-8217 or by email at kathy@ci.st-helens.or.us.