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Rec on the Go
St. Helens Recreation Program’s Rec on the Go:
This program starts on August 13th:
Rec on the Go Instructions:
Call the Recreation Center at 503-366-8208 to request your item
If you have not already set up a Max Galaxy account, Recreation staff will ask you a series of questions to get you set up. You will be asked for a credit card number to hold on file until the equipment is returned.
If your item is available, schedule a time for pick up between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Monday or Wednesday.
Park in one of the two reserved spots at the Recreation Center and call 503-366-8208 upon arrival.
There is no need to get out of your car. Recreation staff will place your items on the cart outside of the building along with your return time.
Return your items by using one of the two reserved spots at the Recreation Center parking lot. Call staff to let them know which space you are using and they will bring out a cart for you to place your items on. Recreation staff will collect and sanitize your items.
Items are due on the same day of the following week. If items are not returned by the 6 p.m. deadline on the day they are due, a charge of $50 will be placed on your account. When you pick your item up, we will include a paper showing the return date.
Only two Rec on the Go items can be checked out per family at one time.
In-District (pays St. Helens water bill): Free
Out-of-District: $10 per rented item per week
If you do not return items, a flag will be placed on your account and you will not be able to sign up for future programs until the items are either returned or a $50 fee is paid for each non-returned item.
Days the Rec on the Go will be available: Mondays from 12-6pm and Wednesdays from 12-6pm.
Coming soon: a list of all the activities available for check out.
Please email recreation@ci.st-helens.or.us with your questions.